
Frequently Asked Questions About Ocean Shipments

The ocean import/export team at has pointed out one of the most frequently asked questions among customers who are shipping freight overseas.

One of the most popular questions relates to the documentation & paperwork needed to import or export cargo. The answer is that the documentation required varies based on whether the shipment is an import or export, as well as the commodity being shipped.

Trans-Pacific Maritime Rates

The 14th Annual Trans-Pacific Maritime Conference was held last week. Hundreds of people in the logistics industry attended. There were numerous topics for discussion during this important event.

Shipping with Russia

Russia is emerging as a growing nation involved in international trade. Those shippers involved in international freight shipping should take notice of Russia and their growing role in the global market. In 2012, Russia finally entered the World Trade Organization (WTO). Since then, Russia has become a top 10 trading nation with export shipping.

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