Shipping Freight to Mexico - Your Guide

Does your company have suppliers, vendors or customers in Mexico? Do you sometimes pass on business because it will invovle shipping to Mexico? If so, you can't miss this important information about how you can start taking advantage of handling shipments to or from the Mexico. Many companies find that they're overpaying by allowing suppliers and vendors to route their shipments when they take a few minutes to obtain quotes themselves. Both Full Truckload and LTL shipments can carry large markups without the receiver knowing.


Pick and Pack explained

Many logistics professionals have heard the term “Pick and pack”, but many don’t fully understand how it can be added to their supply chains. The GlobalForwarding.com team sat down to put together this informative article to help explain the term, and provide some insight about what role (if any) it can play in your shipping plans.

Oversized FTL Shipments

Each state has certain requirements for obtaining permits when oversized freight is trucked. Understanding the process is crucial to making sure that your FTL shipments deliver on time and without issue. Hefty fines can be assessed to truckers who do not have the proper permits, so understanding the rules is important if you’re operating your own fleet, or hiring a trucking company.

Quick Tips to Avoid Rebills

Managing your freight costs effectively is one of the keys to increasing your bottom line. One of the most common ways that freight cost can increase unexpecedly is by the reclassification or reweighing of your shipment. LTL carriers have the right to inspect your shipment if choose to, and many carriers inspect the majority of shipments that move through their system.

The Global Forwarding team has put together these few pieces of advice to help increase the chances of your shipments moving smoothly and without any additional charges.

What does NOI mean for my freight?

If you're in the shipping business, chances are almost certain that you've come across NMFC numbers. Just as certain is the struggle you've occasionally had on finding an appropriate classification for the freight in question. You scrolled through pages and pages of classes and NFMC numbers, and found that your freight simply doesn't seem to fit into any category. Fortunately, the folks at the NMFTA (National Motor Freight Traffic Association) have thought of this, and the solution is three letters: "NOI". This stands for "Not Otherwise Indicated".

Shipping Business Expected to Increase As Truckers Face Shortages

    Shippers may have an advantage over truckers in this transportation cycle. The current shortage of qualified and experienced truck drivers is hurting the industry in this freight transportation cycle. Increases in orders, and lack of a decrease in costs of shipping are also hurting the trucking industry.

What the GlobalForwarding.com Team Loves Most

This week, we'd like to share a few things that we love at Global Forwarding:

Beware of Reweighs!

Shipping managers everywhere will tell you that in recent years, LTL carriers have become mroe aggressive with regard to weighing and correcting the freight class of shipments in transit.

Saving on Fuel by using Intermodal

Rail is the most fuel efficient way to transport freight. Even as fuel prices have decreased in recent weeks, fuel remains one of the biggest factors in determining freighr rates. For this reason, intermodal freight shipping can provide significant fuel cost savings when compared to trucking.

Inbound Freight

Does your company have inbound shipments coming from your suppliers? Whether coming from domestic or international points, allowing your vendors to arrange for shipping while they bill you can be probelmatic and costly. When your suppliers know that they're billing their customers for shipping, they are usually not very motivated to make sure their rates are as low as possible. Often, we talk to companies who say that their vendors include freight charges - but rest assured that they are simply building the cost of the freight into the goods you're buying.

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