Transpacific Stabilization Agreement
Brian Conrad, the head of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement, recently spoke at an event to warn about the uncertainties that will greatly impact the international freight shipping industry in the future. Those uncertainties that Conrad was referring to include labor disruptions, rising expenses, new shipping alliances and the changing supply and demand in the industry. Conrad knows what he is talking because he is the head of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement, also known as the TSA. They maintain the top research and discussion forum about trade between the Far East and the United States. The Transpacific Stabilization Agreement has been around for almost 25 years.
Although there really are no freight forwarders in this group, the top container shipping carriers are among the members of this group. As a member of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement, there are numerous responsibilities. Representatives from the carriers meet and talk about shipping details. They can discuss ocean freight shipping rates and upcoming expense ideas. It should be noted that the rates discussed by the representatives at the events of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement are non-binding agreements and are only recommendations for the carriers. The Transpacific Stabilization Agreement also uses research data and reports to determine their conclusions. They have local committees in each Asian country.
The Transpacific Stabilization Agreement plays a big part in the trade game between nations in the US and the Far East. Shippers should be well aware of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement and their impact on how the carriers operate.
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